As our Advent journey continues, we are presented in the Gospel today (Matthew 17: 9-13) with Jesus telling his disciples that as the people failed to recognize John the Baptist as the return of Elijah, so too people will fail to comprehend Jesus as the promised Messiah; as the Son of God, and will reject him.
I recently had a day where I was noticeably irritable, anxious and impatient. I could not understand why or where this was coming from. I needed to take some time to reflect upon all that is going on in my life and especially in my relationship with Jesus.
Advent is a time to make space for time to be still and quietly reflect. It is important to listen to one’s inner self and take inventory. Today’s Gospel gives a good ‘lens’ for such inner reflection. Am I aware of God’s love and the very personal way that love comes to me through the person of Jesus? When am I like those of Jesus’ own time who fail to recognize him as God’s Son? When do I reject Jesus and his love for me and remain locked up in myself pursuits?
In his most recent Encyclical Letter, Dilexit Nos – On The Human And Divine Love Of The Heart Of Jesus Christ, Pope Francis gives us many nuggets of wisdom for growing in our own spiritual lives. This particular quote came to mind in light of today’s Gospel:
We can say that he has allowed the expansive glory of his resurrection to be limited and the diffusion of his immense and burning love to be contained, in order to leave room for our free cooperation with his heart.
Our rejection of his love erects a barrier to that gracious gift, whereas our trusting acceptance of it opens a space, a channel enabling it to pour into our hearts. Our rejection or indifference limits the effects of his power and the fruitfulness of his love in us. If he does not encounter openness and confidence in me, his love is deprived – because he himself has willed it – of its extension, unique and unrepeatable, in my life and in this world, where he calls me to make him present.
Dilexit Nos, Number 193
One of the greatest gifts given us by God is freedom. Love in its truest and fullest form must always be a free choice.
Let us pray for the grace to recognize God’s Love in the person of Jesus. Let us pray for the freedom to align our hearts with the great love that is ours in the Sacred Heart of Jesus.