I arrived in Sheridan yesterday evening. We began today with 7:00 Mass, with a good crowd attending. The though occurred to me towards the end of Mass, that the faithful who attend daily Mass are such a blessing to the Church. We will never know in this life the good that God accomplishes through each and every Eucharist that is celebrated, and by those who prayerfully celebrate and receive the Eucharist regularly.
After Mass, we headed over to Holy Name Catholic School to welcome the students as they arrived and to pray with them as they began a new school day. The principal, Mrs. Mary Legler is so energetic and optimistic. Her very presence proclaims hope and encouragement. Our faculty and students are fortunate to be under her care and leadership.
I noticed in the hall some statistics that demonstrate last year’s PAWS testing shows that Holy Name is leading the way in education in the broader Sheridan community. In overall proficiency and Math, the school ranked 100%, and 94% in Reading. Congratulations Holy Name School!
One of the main reasons for my visit to Sheridan is to break ground for a new Habitat For Humanity home, which is being sponsored by the Diocese of Cheyenne, Holy Name Catholic Church in Sheridan, and Habitat for Humanity. I am on my way there now, and will have more to share about this great and exciting event later.