In the course of my ministry as bishop and archbishop, I have had the opportunity to publish several Pastoral Letters. Each of these letters is addressed to the people of the local Church, clergy and laity alike. This is one of the formal ways I, as (arch)bishop, teach the people of the Church entrusted to my care.
Archbishop of Seattle
Partners in the Gospel
July 2023
With this pastoral letter, I share with you the changes in our archdiocese over the last 10 years, my vision for parish leadership and structure, and ways to measure parish health and vibrancy as we continue to proclaim the Gospel in western Washington.
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Blog Posts

The Work of Redemption
April 2020
In a spirit of encouragement, and with a desire for a more profound and visible unity around the altar of the Lord, I am sharing this pastoral letter on the Eucharist and declaring the coming year a special Year of the Eucharist for the Archdiocese of Seattle.
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