The last line of today’s Gospel from St. Luke (7:24-30) speaks to the ever-present challenge of salvation history.  Jesus points out how the “tax collectors” and those who received the baptism of John the Baptist were “open” to the “righteousness of God”.  The Pharisees and scholars on the other hand rejected God’s plan.

Advent is a time for each of us to review our life in the Light of Christ and His Gospel.  How well are we living by the values of God’s Kingdom?  How well do we proclaim this Kingdom of God by the witness of our lives?  We have a God Who cares deeply for us!  Our God has a plan, for each of us individually, and for all nations.  Our greatest joy and fulfillment is found when we humbly open ourselves up to the God of all Creation and His loving plan in the person of Jesus Christ.

On the other hand, when we reject God and His plan, not only does the individual fail to reach his or her full potential, but even the plan of God for the world is frustrated.  The “god” of this post modern world is our self-reliance.  We feel we are quite capable of creating our own world and destiny, without any need of God.  Human reason and intellect give us the capacity to understand God’s creation and the laws of nature, but only reason complimented by faith gives us the capacity to embrace God. 

Advent calls us to recognize our “littleness” before the “Greatness of God”.  Advent calls us to be open to God, and the harmony found in nature.  Advent invites us to the faith that recognizes Jesus Christ as the Harmony that holds all things together.  It is God’s plan to sum up all things in Christ, in heaven and on earth.  (Ephesians 1:10)  God has put all things beneath his feet and gave him as head over all things to the church, which is his body, the fullness of the one who fills all things in every way.  Ephesians 1: 22-23)

May we come to recognize our “littleness”, God’s Greatness, and our need for the harmony and redemption of the Savior, Jesus Christ!


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