On this 7th Day of the Octave of Christmas, we read the beginning of John’s Gospel, which contains the great proclamation of the Incarnation: “And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us.”
I have truly enjoyed celebrating the Octave Masses each morning at our cathedral. I invite you to listen to today’s homily as one more Christmas meditation, and a fitting way to end 2021 and prepare for the dawn of a new year.
Know that Christ who from the beginning was the Word, who was with God, and who was God became flesh for you. He who created all things in the beginning, and sustains all things throughout history, is also in our future, and thus our cause for hope!
May the God of all grace and truth lead you to greater light and grace in this new year!
Daily Mass Friday, December 31, 2021 8:00am from Archdiocese of Seattle on Vimeo.