Our daily Gospel reading the past two days provides a great reminder of the Mission of the Church which is the mission of all the baptized: “As you go, make this proclamation: ‘The Kingdom of heaven is at hand.'” (Matthew 10: 7) 

In essence, the entire Archdiocese of Seattle is on retreat these days, renewing our relationship with Jesus Christ, and prayerfully discovering fresh and anew the mission the Lord has entrusted to us. This is a time for reclaiming the priority of Christ in our lives and in all we do.

I have heard many stories lately how almost every area of economic and social life are experiencing demands greater than supply can provide, from air travel, and rental cars, to construction or booking a fishing trip. Now that the pandemic is waning (hopefully!) people are slaking their thirst for community, recreation, outdoors, travel – you name it. This is all well and good.

However, equally important now is the necessity of tending to our spiritual life. Many articles in recent months explored the heavy toll the pandemic is taking on mental (spiritual) health. While time with family and friends is critical, do not forget to tend to the primary relationship with God.

Jesus called the twelve apostles into an intimate relationship with himself, and then he sent them into the world to continue his mission of proclaiming the Kingdom of heaven. Let’s take time in these weeks and months ahead to tend to this important friendship with Jesus Christ. As he walked with his disciples along the shore of the Sea of Galilee, be mindful that he is walking with each of us where ever we are.

Just about every business and institution requires an intentional review of the impact this pandemic has caused, and what is now required of their employees to respond in the post-COVID world. The Church is no different. Our top priority is to renew our relationship with Christ so we can re-envision how we carry out his mission in the world today.

Jesus sent the twelve out to proclaim the Kingdom of heaven. He instructed them to be attentive to relationships, being especially mindful of the sick, the poor and those who are isolated in any way.

What does this dynamic relationship of Jesus with his Apostles have to teach us about being Church today? Let us prayerfully ask Jesus to help us know who needs our care and compassion today.

In his June 16 address to the Bishops of the United States, our Apostolic Nuncio, Archbishop Christophe Pierre said this:

I am firmly convinced that emerging from the pandemic, we need to be a Church that proclaims, with conviction, the basic kerygma and the person of Jesus Christ, and we need to be a Church that follows the method of Jesus, which is one of accompaniment and dialogue, a dialogue directed toward salvation.

Let us be a Church that walks with others, strengthening our faith in Christ, our love for God and one another. Let us be a Church, who as we go, proclaims the Kingdom of heaven in all we say and do.
