+April 17, 2010
In recent weeks there has been much renewed interest around the issue of clergy sex abuse. The Church is challenged once again to be vigilant with regards to the protection of children and young people. With this renewed media attention and focus on the issue, it is important for us as Church to keep the focus on the victims.
As a bishop of the Church, and on behalf of the people of the Diocese of Cheyenne, I wish to express our sadness and sorrow to any who have been abused by a member of the clergy. We encourage anyone who has been abused to please contact us. We wish most of all to listen to you, to better understand the traumatic consequences of these sinful acts against you. We wish to apologize to you, and to assist you in finding healing and wholeness. I personally am committed to meeting with any victim of abuse who wishes to speak with me.
We as a diocese take seriously each and every accusation that is brought to our attention, and follow the Essential Norms of the Dallas Charter put in place by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops in June of 2002. If you wish to report a case of abuse, please contact the Diocesan Pastoral Center at 307-638–1530 and ask for our Chancellor.
Our Safe Environment Training for the continued protection of youth and young people is well-established, and we take very seriously our commitment to make sure we are doing all we can to prevent abuse of any kind in the future.
With assurances of vigilance and prayer for all who seek healing, I remain,
In The Heart of Christ,
Most Reverend Paul D. Etienne