Nineteen young people received the sacrament of Confirmation Thursday night at St. John the Baptist in Buffalo. 

The selected Psalm for the evening’s celebration had a very missionary message, which is the whole purpose of the Church:  “I will proclaim you, Lord, to my brothers and sisters.”

This missionary work of the Church is very much what the Holy Spirit seeks to inspire.  Our young Church has a vital role to play in the missionary work of the Church.  I want our young people to know how very proud I am of them for asking to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. 

The Holy Spirit will give them the wisdom to know intimately Jesus.  The Holy Spirit will lead them to a deeper love of the Church.  The Holy Spirit will help them discern between the Truth of the Gospel and the values of today that are false and contrary to God’s Kingdom.  The Holy Spirit will lead them to be courageous in living the life of a disciple of Jesus.