This past weekend, Mt. Angel Seminary in Oregon held their 132nd Baccalaureate and Commencement exercises. That’s correct – 132 graduating classes! Many thanks to the Benedictine community of Mt. Angel Abbey for these many years of forming men for the priesthood, and so many others for service to the Church!
Deacon Val Park was one of those graduates, and is one of three deacons who will be ordained priests for the Archdiocese of Seattle this June.
Below you can find the links to both the Baccalaureate Mass and the Commencement ceremony. It was a distinct honor to be the presider and homilist for the Mass and to deliver this year’s Commencement address.
Congratulations to all our graduates!
The homily begins approximately at the 15 minute mark in the video.
The commencement address begins approximately at the 8:10 minute mark.
Below you can also view photos from the two occasions provided courtesy of Mt. Angel Seminary.