Ludolf, 1695, Indianapolis Museum of Art

In today’s Mass readings, there are two references to fear. First, in Mark’s Gospel, we see the Apostles in the boat during a storm.  As they see Jesus approach, walking on water, they are afraid.  Towards the end of the Gospel passage, Mark attributes their fear to a hardness of heart.

They had all seen him and were terrified.  But at once he spoke with them, “Take courage, it is I, do not be afraid!”  (Mark 6:50)

In the first reading from the First Letter of John, we hear another important reference to fear, and its corresponding connection to the heart…to love.  There is no fear in love, rather, perfect love casts out all fear.”  (1 John 4:18)  Thus, this image of Jesus in the boat with his Apostles calming the storm can be interpreted as Perfect Love casting out all fear.

Christ accompanies each of us in the depths of our hearts.  Perfect Love is present, casting out our fear.  Do not be afraid!  Allow Perfect Love to help you go where the Lord leads, and accomplish all He asks in accord with the Father’s will!
