During the month of November, our Liturgical Year approaches its “cyclical end”.  The Church in her infinite wisdom calls us to reflect upon the passing nature of this life, and the eternal realities that are a part of this journey of faith.  We are asked to prayerfully consider the end goal and ultimate desire of every human heart; God’s Kingdom.  We are called to reflect upon the proper use of the gifts entrusted to us by the Master Creator.  We are challenged to make the connection between our stewardship of the gifts of life and faith and the life yet to come.

As God so often does, He makes simple connections in our daily lives with these eternal realities.  Today, I had the pleasure of learning more about our local Cheyenne community.  One of our permanent deacons, Deacon Al Lancaster, invited me to meet the staff of the Davis Hospice Center, and tour the facility.  Deacon Al is the Catholic Community representative to the Hospice Center.

The Davis Hospice Center is now four years old and is a self-standing facility.  Not only is the care they provide quite special, but so is this facility.  Hospice provides for the physical, psychological, social and spiritual care of the human person.  It is a marvelous way to show our reverence and respect for the dignity of human life.  Hospice care provides care not only for the patient, but for the entire family.  Hospice seeks not so much to extend life, but to provide for the quality of the remainder of a person’s life.

I am so pleased that we as a Catholic Community have such a smooth and meaningful connection with this important care facility in our city.  Deacon Al clearly has a loving relationship with the staff, no doubt built over time due to his pastoral presence and care to the hospice residence and family.  Jesus clearly calls us to care for the sick and dying, and it is gratifying to see this basic work of the Gospel being so carefully tended to. 

Let us continue to hold the sick and dying along with their family and loved ones in our prayers, especially those struggling with cancer or any form of terminal illness.  Thanks to all caregivers and those who minister in this significant area of pastoral care.