Good morning, People of God! With today’s announcement from Pope Francis that he has accepted the resignation (retirement) of Archbishop Sartain, I succeed automatically as coadjutor to the office of Archbishop of Seattle. I wish to thank Archbishop Sartain for his many kindnesses to me in my three months of service with him. Please join me in praying for his health and what will hopefully be many happy years of retirement – of which I know he plans to keep himself occupied.
Today the Church celebrates the feast of Pope St. Gregory the Great, who was known for spreading and strengthening the faith. I ask for your prayers that this may also be my legacy here in Seattle. Our world is so in need of the person of Jesus, who has promised to remain with us always. Ours is the task of presenting him in such a way as to lead more people to faith, and to strengthen the faith where it is found.
Jesus is the Pastor Bonus, the Good Shepherd. He shares himself with us in so many ways. I ask all to simply open your hearts to him and to the Good News of salvation he offers.
On tap today are a few things I invite you to join if at all possible. I will be on the Archdiocesan Facebook page, live at Noon today. Please feel free to send in your own questions. Then, we will have a Holy Hour of Adoration at 4:00 at St. James Cathedral followed by Mass at 5:30. I will offer all of today’s prayers for the intentions of the good people of the Archdiocese of Seattle. So, let the Lord know what you are most in need of today, and I will hold you and your intentions in heart and prayer.
Thanks to all who are sending prayers and best wishes today!
I will close for now – the day’s demands are calling – with a passage from Morning Prayer – which is also from the First Reading of Mass today:
You are not in the dark, brothers [and sisters], that the day should catch you off guard, like a thief. No, all of you are children of light and of the day. We belong neither to darkness nor to light. (1 Thessalonians 5:4-5)
Let us live today and always in the Light of Jesus Christ!