It has been quite an emotional, historic weekend in Lander, Wyoming, as the Wyoming Catholic College celebrated its first graduation. What began as a dream and entailed much faith, hard work, courage and hope in the future reached a dramatic result today. Those who came in the Fall of 2007 not sure what to expect, both faculty, staff, students and family, and those who joined the procession along the way had something quite beautiful and significant to celebrate today!
Pictured above with myself and the three co-founders, Bishop David Ricken, now bishop of Green Bay, Fr. Bob Cook (a priest of the Diocese of Cheyenne), and Dr. Robert Carlson. Both Bishop Ricken and Dr. Carlson were honored in today’s graduation ceremony.
Family and friends gathered from around the country these past few days. The senior awards dinner was Thursday evening, and the Baccalarueate Mass Friday evening, followed by the President’s Dinner. The Friday evening dinner gave me the “perfect opportunity” to also mention and “honor” Fr. Bob for his work, and role as a co-founder. (All I can say is, “you had to be there”)
A cold front came through Friday evening during the Mass and really cooled things down. Despite the overcast day Saturday, and rain showers, nothing could dappen the spirits of the moment. This latest venture in a Catholic College offers quite a unique experience in a liberal arts education. “Liberal” of course comes from the Latin “liber”, meaning, “free”, and that is exactly what this education seeks to accomplish; the formation of young men and women to freely live out their full human potential as God’s children.
Congratulations, Wyoming Catholic College and graduates!
(Photos courtesy of Mark Seabrook)