At times, we can become overwhelmed by the realities of our day, the demands of our walk of life. In such moments, we can lose sleep, or be tempted to the “usual, sinful habits” as a means of “release” or escape. But we all know that these responses never really work, but only add to the sense of tension, and now add to it the reality of sin, which often leads to a sense of shame and low self-esteem. As our Lenten journey continues, the more we take our call to conversion seriously, we can also expect a certain amount of temptation to be a part of the experience. We are not unlike Jesus in last Sunday’s Gospel, Who after fortydays of fasting in the desert was tempted by Satan. Jesus has much to teach us about clinging to “Truth” in the face of the deceptions of the demon. When faced with the overwhelming realities of life, we have only to place them before the Infinite Presence of Jesus. Just as Jesus remained firmly rooted in His relationship with the Father in every temptation, so must we remain firmly grounded in our relationship with Jesus. Before the Infinite Presence of Jesus, each of these overwhelming realities quickly take on their true size and priority. It is important for us to remember that each of the “finite” acts of Jesus in His humanity, has “infinite” worth in His divinity. As we place ourselves before this Infinite Presence of Jesus, we are reminded once again of His infinite love for us. It is always helpful to keep our focus on Christ (Hebrews 12:2), and remember that He is there to sustain us in every trial. “God is faithful and will not let you be tried beyond your strength; but with the trial he will also provide a way out, so that you may be able to bear it.” (1 Corinthians 10:13) So, let us continue our Lenten journey with great hope, clinging to Christ, who in His Infinite Presence sustains us, and helps us keep all things in proper perspective.
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