St. Paul in his Letter to the Ephesians teaches: “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavens, as he chose us in him, before the foundation of the world…”  This is perhaps one of the clearest Scriptural teachings that the Author of life is God, through the Word, Jesus Christ. 

St. Catherine of Siena must have been profoundly aware of this text when she teaches about the generative Love of God.  In her Dialogue, St. Catherine reveals this prolific love of God in these words:  “Why did you so dignify us?  With unimaginable love you looked upon your creatures within your very self, and you fell in love with us.  So it was love that made you create us and give us being just so that we might taste your supreme eternal good.”  (Dialogue #13)

These days leading up to the 40th anniversary of the Roe vs. Wade decision which made abortion  legal upon demand in our country, many people will march, attend Mass, offer prayers, visit their state capitols, and probably many other things.   Best estimates are that in the last 40 years, in this country alone, some 55 million lives have been legally ended in the womb. 

With St. Paul’s teaching, reflected in the teaching of St. Catherine, it is pretty clear that life in the womb is a life generated from ‘the womb of God.’  Each of us is a ‘creature’, whose origin is the loving gaze of God, who looks upon us ‘within His very self’ and draws us forth from this Love.  This is the love that is the very being of God; the love of the Father for the Son, the love of the Son for the Father, the Holy Spirit that is love.

This is what being created in the image and likeness of God means: to be drawn forth from love; created for love.  Thus, every human life conceived in the womb is conceived with a spark of divinity!  No wonder we cherish all life as sacred and worthy of the dignity of the children of God.  No wonder we believe that all life conceived in the womb is worth all our effort to protect so that the child may come forth from the Light of God into the light of the world.

As the March for Life in Washington D.C. approaches again this year, please join the many voices crying out to God in prayer for the protection of all life and the protection of all those witnessing to the dignity and sanctity of life.  Please keep this great prayer as one of your intentions as you attend Mass this weekend.  Try to attend a daily Mass in the coming week for this important national intercession.

You are invited as well to join the Novena which begins today, Saturday, January 19.  Our Blessed Mother asks us to join our prayers and sacrifices together under her Maternal care, that she may take them to her Son.  Let us join all our prayers and sacrifices to the redemptive mission of Jesus.  Let us together with Jesus seek the Divine Will of the Father.  Through our faith, hope and love, God can and will do great things!

