This week, I took a concrete step to create a new Archdiocesan position to ensure that the fundamental mission of the Church is at the heart of everything that we do.
I am happy to announce that Mr. Tim Hunt has accepted the role as the first Executive Director of Planning and Mission Effectiveness for the Archdiocese of Seattle.
In many ways, this is somewhat of a groundbreaking initiative. While we have directors for other important areas of church life – Faith Formation – Education – Communication – Finance – Operations – Ministries – Vocations – there is a glaring need for someone to make sure that the Mission of the Church is being accomplished at all times, in all places, by each member of the church organization- namely, to proclaim Jesus Christ
Tim will step into this new role on October 21, 2019. In this new position, Hunt’s primary responsibility will be to coordinate the development and the implementation of a new pastoral plan to ensure the archdiocese is achieving its mission in serving parishes, schools and ministries.
Tim will be my point person for helping us define our mission and vision, as well as the main priorities to help us reach higher levels of mission effectiveness. As part of this, he will assemble and manage a new Archdiocesan Pastoral Council that will involve people from all across our archdiocese. We are here to serve them, so their input is vital in this process.
“In his letter to the archdiocese upon his appointment, Archbishop Etienne indicated his desire to collect more input from lay representatives who reflect the diversity of the archdiocese—both culturally and geographically,” Hunt said. “I’m eager to engage with our parish communities to collaborate on a strategic pastoral plan that’s created in partnership with Catholics across Western Washington.”
Hunt has worked for the archdiocese for six years, most recently at the Washington State Catholic Conference as a communications director, and previously for the Office of Catholic Schools. In addition to establishing an Archdiocesan Pastoral Council, he will serve on the Archbishop’s executive team, oversee the Office of Research, launch mission effectiveness training and act as a liaison to Catholic Community Services of Western Washington.
Tim’s strong faith and passion for the well-being of the Church we love so much, along with his experience working at the Chancery and out in the field at Catholic schools gives Tim a solid foundation for this new role, which requires strong strategic planning and relationship-building skills.
Please join me in welcoming Tim to his new role, and more importantly, in praying for the success of this important ministry.
If you are wondering what Mission looks like, and why it is so important, here is a primmer from Pope Francis during a Prayer Service, October 1, 2019:
We become missionaries by living as witnesses: bearing witness by our lives that we have come to know Jesus. It is our lives that speak. Witness is the key word: a word with the same root as the word “martyr”. The martyrs are the primary witnesses of faith: not by their words but by their lives. They know that faith is not propaganda or proselytism: it is a respectful gift of one’s life. They live by spreading peace and joy, by loving everyone, even their enemies, out of love for Jesus. Can we, who have discovered that we are children of the heavenly Father, keep silent about the joy of being loved, the certainty of being ever precious in God’s eyes? That is a message that so many people are waiting to hear. And it is our responsibility. Let us ask ourselves this month: how good a witness am I?
Finally, on a lighter side, part of the work of Evangelization is simply being present where the people of God gather.
I had the pleasure of celebrating Mass with the O’Dea Catholic High School football team prior to last night’s highly anticipated game with another Catholic High School, Eastside Catholic, and later attending the game. I was very proud of the performance of our teams, and the good behavior of all present.
Lest I be accused of playing favorites, I agreed to celebrate this Mass long before learning that O’Dea was playing another one of our Catholic Schools. In full disclosure, I spent the first half of the game on the Eastside Catholic side of the field, and the second half with O’Dea.
I was pleased to see two other priests also present with our people. It is important for pastors to ‘be among our people’ in events that are important to them, and to share in these moments. At the same time, we as pastors hope to see our people where we gather for what is most important to us – and to the life of the Church – Sunday Mass!
Keep living the faith, folks!