This weekend we kickoff another Archdiocesan Annual Appeal; One Bread One Body.
I wish to thank all who participated in this last year’s One Bread One Body Appeal, as it was one of the most successful appeals in recent history, with nearly every parish reaching their goal! Congratulations!
This year, we are particularly pleased to offer a video to help promote our appeal. I invite you to please take time to watch this short video (below) in order to better understand why it is important to support the work and ministries of the broader, archdiocesan church.
Please keep an eye out for more materials which will be mailed to your homes, as well as the information which will be provided by your home parishes.
As the name of our appeal indicates, though we are many individuals, families and parishes, together we make up the one family of faith that is the Archdiocese of Anchorage. Even as an Archdiocesan family, we together with the many Arch/Dioceses around the world make up the One Body of Christ that is the Church.