As summer winds down, I made my way to the northwest of the diocese this week. I’ve been to Dubois several times, but this week was the first time to visit the church and celebrate Mass with the faithful.
Our Lady of the Woods is a beautiful church. It is perhaps one of the most distant churches from any other parish. It has its own rectory, (a very nice one, I might add) and is quite well kept. The mission is served from St. Margaret in Riverton. Fr. Eckley Macklin, SOLT is the associate to St. Margaret and its missions, but spends several days a week in residence in Dubois.
Tuesday evening we gathered for the Vigil of The Assumption of the Blessed Mother. One particular ‘note’ of interest was the music. Helen (sorry, I did not get her last name) and her son provided beautiful piano and violin accompniment for the hymns. They did an outstanding job!
After Mass, I made my way over Togwotee Pass and into Jackson for the night. After a little fishing outing in the morning, I returned to the rectory to prepare for the evening celebration. For the Holy Day of the Assumption, the people in the Jackson area celebrated the 75th Anniversary of the Sacred Heart Chapel in Teton National Park.
This Chapel was restored in 2001 and is in beautiful condition. Mass is celebrated every weekend through the four month touring season. It is the site of many weddings as well.
The grandeur of the Teton area naturally leads one to ponder the beauty of God’s creation, and the Chapel is a wonderful place to pray. Our Holy Day and Anniversary celebration was simply magnificent. Following Mass, the Knights of Columbus and the Council of Catholic Women hosted a great cookout, and most in attendance stayed to enjoy one another’s company and a beautiful evening.
Before departing Jackson this morning, I celebrated the morning Mass at Our Lady of the Mountains and then made my way to Casper, where I will be for the next couple of days. Enjoy the pics from the Sacred Heart Chapel celebration.