Please pray for the Holy Father’s prayer intentions for the month of March which are:
◦Respect for Women. That all cultures may respect the rights and dignity of women.
◦Vocations. That many young people may accept the Lord’s invitation to consecrate their lives to proclaiming the Gospel.
When I read these intentions of our Holy Father, I noted how they reflect, in a manner, two of the Diocese of Cheyenne’s priorities from our pastoral plan, namely family and vocations. Here are just a few of the Goals and Objectives from our plan. Please keep these in mind in your prayers as well. You can visit our entire pastoral plan on our diocesan website.
Priority 6. Family Life and Vocations
Objective 1:
To make Jesus Christ the center of parishes and homes through
community building and formation of faith.
Action Step 1:
To educate and emphasize to families and parishes the value and
dignity of all human life.
Action Step 2:
To use faith formation, particularly sacramental preparation, as
opportunities to catechize and re-engage families.
Action Step 3:
Explore opportunities to bring all generations together for prayer,
formation and community.
Objective 2:
To educate, promote & support the Sacrament of Marriage and
its effects on family, church & society.
Action Step 1:
The diocese will require strong marriage preparation classes in each
Action Step 2:
To train and assist ministry leadership chosen by pastors in each
deanery to incorporate teaching on the Theology of the Body into various ministry programs, including any or all of the following:
Marriage preparation, Marriage enrichment, Catechesis (particularly middle and high
school levels), Evangelization and Adult Catechesis, including RCIA
Action Step 3:
To provide additional trained NFP teachers throughout the diocese.
Action Step 4:
To make NFP classes more widely available throughout the diocese
via online venue.
Action Step 5:
To increase the presence of Marriage Enrichment (strengthening
married couples spiritually) in the Diocese of Cheyenne and make it more accessible.
Action Step 6:
Strengthen the Domestic Church
Objective 3:
To create, promote and encourage a culture of vocation among families
and parishes so the faithful can recognize and respond to God’s call.
Action Step 1:
To promote awareness and prayer for all vocations throughout the
Action Step 2:
To increase the role of the laity in support of vocations.
Action Step 3:
To create a professional vocations video to assist the diocese in