As this year’s One Bread One Body annual appeal picks up steam, I wish to draw your attention to the prayer that is included in this year’s materials. For your convenience, the prayer can be easily removed and kept wherever you will be reminded to pray this prayer.
We ask that each member of the Archdiocese join us in praying that we grow in our understanding of the many ways God blesses each of us, and how we are called to generously respond to God’s goodness.
Prayer is central to every endeavor, and that is no less true for our efforts to fund the ministries of the church.
This annual appeal is central to assuring that the Archdiocesan ministries continue. At the heart of this success is prayer, which opens each of us to the manner in which God is asking us to share what He has entrusted to us.
If you would, please take some time to watch this brief video, and pray along. By God’s grace, we will be good stewards of His abundance which is placed in our care. By God’s grace, we will bring the Good News and love of Jesus Christ to the many people who are served through our Archdiocesan ministries.