Today, the Church of Cheyenne laid to rest a fine priest, Rev. Msgr. William E. Delaney.  Msgr. was 66 years a priest, and 93 years young.  Up until very recently, he remained alert and fairly active, even though a recent stroke diminished his eye sight some. 

Msgr. Delaney was born in Rock Springs, Wyoming in 1917 and ordained a priest June 3, 1944.  Over and over again today, people referred to him as a humble, holy priest.  High praise indeed!  He was well known for the quality of his preaching and his dedication to prayer.  He was known also as a healer.  He was a man of faith, courage, hope and charity.  He was a scholar and well read.

Most of all, he will be remembered as a pastor.  He loved God, God’s people, and God’s Church, and was selfless in the service of the People of God.  He worked tirelessly for the salvation of souls.  That is a phrase not heard much these days, but in the end, it is a  big part of what the priesthood and the Church is all about.  Msgr. evidently never forgot that.

In my short time here, I was amazed that he always came to gatherings of priests, even though he did have difficulty getting around.  Even though there was a chapel in the residence he shared with other priests, he insisted on making the journey across the parking lot for Mass with the people, despite the time of year or the weather.  Don’t forget, this is Wyoming!  There are many other wonderful things that could be said of him, but in the end, I’m sure he would be quite content to be known as an effective pastor and priest.

Rest in peace, good and faithful servant.  As this local church prays for you and your peaceful repose, please remember us, and ask the “Master of the harvest” to send us many other holy, humble priests.