Thirty three years ago, seven sisters from Mexico came to Anchorage to establish a monastery of the Sisters of Perpetual Adoration. Today is the feast day of their foundress, Blessed Sister Mary Magdalene of the Incarnation. On this special day, the community gathered in their chapel to consecrate the first members of their new Association of Adorers. It was a very special celebration!
We are blessed to have these sisters present in Anchorage, and especially blessed with their charism of devotion to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. I met with their Superior, Mother Evalia last year to learn more about the community’s practice elsewhere to establish associations of adorers. These men and women go through a period of formation, to learn more about the charism of the community, about prayer and adoration, and the implications of such a life of prayer; to better know God’s will, to grow in loving service of others, and to draw deeply from the infinite well of life and love that is the Eucharist – Our Lord’s Body and Blood.
Our church and world benefit greatly from those who give so generously of themselves to spend time with Our Lord before the Blessed Sacrament. Such prayer draws us more deeply into the life of Christ, and then he sends us out into the world once again to recognize his presence in others, and be Christ to others. This is a mysterious, grace-filled reality, that conforms us more closely to Christ, and advances God’s kingdom.
Congratulations to the Sisters of Perpetual Adoration, and to all of our new Adorers!