As a pastor, I always placed the parish families, facilities and finances under the protection and intercession of St. Joseph, and he always provided for every parish. As we celebrate his feast again today, I’m reminded to do the same now for the families, facilities and finances of the diocese. St. Joseph was such a humble obedient man to God’s will. He was a great protector and provider for Mary and Jesus. He continues to play a crucial role in the life of the Universal Church today. St. Joseph, Pray for us!
After two days back in the office, I made a quick trip to Denver yesterday for a spiritual tune-up with my spiritual director, then had the great opportunity to take four of our seminarians out to dinner before beating it back to Cheyenne in advance of a winter storm. Today, I’m enjoying the storm, and getting some needed rest. I’m glad to report that our future as a diocese looks bright with the young men who are entrusting themselves to God’s providence pursuing a calling to diocesan priesthood. Deacon Tim Martinson will be ordained this May, and he was one of the four men who joined us for dinnner last night. The seminarians at St. John Vianney in Denver are enjoying a free weekend these next few days. I had the opportunity to meet all our seminarians over the Christmas break, and have enjoyed the company of a few of them in recent months as they served for various Masses. I believe we have a good group of men, ten in total at the moment. Presently, it looks like we will have three more men joining us for seminary studies in the Fall, which all remaining the same and one ordination this Spring would bring our total to twelve seminarians next fall. I also spoke with a few other young men in my recent trip around the diocese who are interested in studying for the priesthood in the coming years. So, church, let’s keep these generous individuals in our prayers and keep praying for generous and ardent servants of the Gospel to serve our local church of Cheyenne.
A wise priest once told me that there is nothing wrong with the Church that a few good and holy men and women cannot solve. In our own day, we have witnessed such holiness in the late Pope John Paul II and Mother Teresa of Calcutta. We may never enjoy the reputation of such saints, but it is to such holiness that we are all called. This, again, is what the Lenten season calls each of us to pursue…holiness. Let us pray that God continue to raise up such saints in our day. Let each of us strive to be one of those saints among God’s people.