After spending the weekend at St. Margaret in Riverton, I started making my way home Sunday afternoon. The snow began before I got halfway home. Knowing I needed to be at St. Patrick in Wheatland Monday evening for Confirmation, and hearing for quite a bit of snow, I decided to stop in Wheatland Sunday afternoon, rather than risking missing the Confirmation Mass.

This turned out to be a blessing for a number of reasons.  Since sometime in November, this parish has been without a pastor.  I must say, with the generosity of many priests and the good lay leadership in the parish, things have been running along smoothly.  After getting settled into the newly renovated rectory, a family had me over for dinner and a nice visit.

Monday, after taking care of some office business by internet and phone, I joined a couple for lunch.  Then, I had the great opportunity to do some very priestly ministry.  I visited the hospital, a nursing home and one home-bound.  It was great to be able to do the simple, yet  basic ministry of the priest; administer the sacraments and be with the People of God.

After a little rest and some more reading, another light meal, time arrived for the main event.  Due to the weather, the six or seven other priests from the deanery were unable to make in for the celebration.  But, there were nineteen young people ready to receive the sacrament of Confirmation, along with their sponsors and families and the parish community. 

Since all the students were on hand well ahead of time, I was able to mingle prior to Mass, since I fully intended to get on the road and beat the next storm system back to Cheyenne.  Mercifully, the sunshine through the day, along with the road crews, had cleared the road.  Other than a bit of freezing fog, the trip home was uneventful.

That wraps up Confirmations for now.  We will begin again after Easter.  So, Church, enjoy Fat Tuesday, and may your Lenten journey be one of many graces and blessings for you, and for all.

