Last night we celebrated the last Confirmation of the 2012 season. Seventeen young people received the Sacrament representing St. Anthony in Guernsey and St. Rose of Lima in Torrington. Once again, no pictures to share, and probably just as well as I am composing this entry from the Denver Airport, and wifi reception is weak.
Once again, our young people seem well-prepared to receive Confirmation. Our young people were encouraged to truly live their faith. One important connection for our young Church to make is the direct connection between Christ and His Church. One of our reading last night came from the Acts of the Apostles. We were reminded that Jesus appeared to His apostles for 40 days after the resurrection. Jesus is still risen today! Just as Jesus confirmed and encouraged His apostles, for the work of initiating the life of the Church, so He continues to confirm and encourage us today, for the work of continuing the Church.
We also read from the Prophet Isaiah, and the Gospel of Luke which recalled the same Isaiahan passage: “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me…” Another close connection for us today is that we who claim to believe in Jesus are called to service and a joyful witness to our faith in Christ. As believers in Jesus, and those empowered with His Holy Spirit, we must pay attention to the same people Jesus did; namely, the poor, the underprivileged, the weak, the imprisoned (physically and spiritually.)
As believers and witnesses to Jesus, we must pay attention to the things that mattered to Jesus: justice, peace, mercy, God’s Kingdom, relationships, especially our relationship with God.
The Year of Faith invites us to know Christ. Christ is present to us today in many ways, but mostly in and through His Church. St. Paul in his letter to the Colossians says that Jesus is head of the Church; that is a very close association. In our Catholic tradition, to grow in relationship with Christ necessarily entails the Church, Sacraments, the Word of God, and lives lived in loving service to others. To stay close to Christ is to remain active in His Church.
Live the truth! Live the faith!