A statement from the Alaska Catholic Bishops on the Administration’s DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) Decision:

We the Catholic bishops of Alaska remain united in heart and mind with our brother bishops across this nation in condemning the Administration’s decision today to suspend DACA. At the same time, we stand in strong solidarity with the 800,000 people and their families who have been protected under this provision, and who have called this their country for the primary part of their lives.  We as a nation are better than this, and Congress must now act to correct this inhuman disrespect of our brothers and sisters in the one family of God.

These are not strangers living among us.  They are students in our schools, people we see in the grocery store and friends we have in our lives.  America is their home.

DACA recipients deserve a legislative path to a secure future.  Immigrants are the backbone of our country.  This has not changed in over 200 years.

All people should be treated with dignity and respect regardless of their immigration status.  We as Church recognize the dignity of every human being created in the image and likeness of God.



Archbishop Paul D. Etienne                           Bishop Chad Zielinski

Archdiocese of Anchorage                               Diocese of Fairbanks





Bishop-Elect Andrew Bellisario                                Archbishop Emeritus Roger L. Schwietz, OMI

Diocese Juneau                                                             Archdiocese of Anchorage


You can read the USCCB statement here.

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