In light of Friday’s (Oct. 17, 2014) order by U.S. District Judge Scott W. Skavdahl that Wyoming’s state law banning same-sex unions is unconstitutional, I wish to offer a few thoughts. (According to an AP story, the ruling is on hold until defendants have the chance to appeal.)
The Catholic Church teaches the dignity and sanctity of every human person. This belief is rooted in our understanding that every human person is created in the image and likeness of God. Every person is deserving of this respect, even those with same-sex attraction.
The Catholic Church also teaches that marriage is by nature a union of a man and a woman. It is perhaps the single oldest institution of society, and as such, the primary and natural starting point of family life. Marriage expresses, strengthens and protects the love of a man and a woman, and endures for their lifetime. Their love promotes harmony in their relationship, and generates new life in the children they bear and raise together. Marriage and the family it generates are unique bonds of love meant for the well-being of each of its members and the common good of society as a whole. This ‘unique bond of love’ cannot be replicated in any other fashion. A true understanding of the nature of marriage prohibits any institution, secular or religious, from redefining marriage.
As Church, we will continue to promote the understanding that marriage is a union of one man and one woman, a covenantal relationship instituted by God. We as Church will continue to teach this truth in all of its richness and encourage all people to embrace this truth. At the same time, we encourage respect for all persons and a respectful dialogue in discussing marriage and family in our culture today.