Today is the First Friday of August, a time to recall the Sacred Heart of Jesus where humanity experiences perfect love.
In today’s Gospel Jesus says: “Whoever wishes to come after me must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me.”
This ‘wish’ to come after Jesus is planted deep in every human heart. This is the desire of the heart that cannot be filled with anyone or anything else!
How do we fulfill this wish, this desire? Jesus says by denying self. In other words, we are invited to surrender to his perfect love. We are asked to ‘give in’ to the love of God which as created and redeemed us.
In such self-denial, we find our truest self and greatest fulfillment. More importantly, we find God in the person of Jesus.
Surrender to Jesus.
Believe in Jesus.
Trust Jesus.
Daily Mass August 7 from Archdiocese of Seattle on Vimeo.