Today you will see know the Lord is coming, and in the morning you will see his glory.(Invitatory Antiphon, December 24)
Fresh bread is baking (boy, does it smell good!), as we recall the remembrance of the Bread of Life born and laid in a manger. No doubt, many final preparations are being made, both at home and in our churches. I know from my years as a pastor that the church environment and the wonderful liturgies would never be possible without the host of dedicated staff and parishioners who decorate, sing and provide all the other liturgical ministries. Thanks to all of you who make another celebration of the birth of our Savior meaningful!
At this time, I’ve enjoyed an invigorating walk, and a good workout. The Christmas homily is complete (posted here tomorrow morning) and thoughts are percolating for the Holy Family homily which this year comes immediately upon the heals of our Christmas Masses. Because of the quick transition this year between Christmas and Holy Family Sunday, I’ll be entertaining some of our local priests for an evening meal on Christmas day. Another of our priests will be the principal celebrant…chef!
In the meantime, much of the rest of my day will be spent in a prayerful spirit for the local Family of God entrusted to my pastoral care in this Diocese of Cheyenne. I am truly blessed! The simple prayer of this year’s Christmas card is my earnest wish and prayer for all of you:
May the Peace of Christ abide in you, the Light of Christ guide you, the Truth of Christ define you, and the Love of Christ compel you.Merry Christmas!