There is a line in today’s first reading from the Book of Ecclesiastes 3:1-11: I have considered the task that God has appointed for the sons of men to be busied about. He has made everything appropriate to its time, and has put the timeless into their hearts,…
This is a critical point for people of our day to understand in the discussion around the highly secularized society in which we find ourselves today. This teaching from Sacred Scripture today helps us see why it is so important that we continue to do all we can to help our people to re-discover the primordial relationship we have with God. This is true not just for each individual, but for all of humanity, from the beginning of time until the end.
Timeless, is this not simply another title for God? It is critical that we open our hearts to this basic presence of God Who created us. If we lose this connection, we are bound to float about through life willy – nilly as a ship on the sea with no anchor. When we acknowledge the presence of the “timeless” in our hearts, then we begin to get in touch with the basic “Compass” of Jesus Christ, Who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.
So often, this “timeless” is misinterpretted in the hearts of people today, and so many false attempts are made to respond to the “longing” and “pull” which accomany it. This is why it is easy to “get lost” in the pursuit of riches, fame, drugs, alcohol, pornography or any of so many other things that seek to “satisfy” but cannot slake the thirst of the longing in the human heart for God; for Love, for things eternal.
This is why the Church longs to feed God’s people with His Word and the Life of Jesus Christ in the Sacraments. This is why the Good Shepherd, Jesus Christ goes in search of the scattered children of God…to bring them home, to restore them to the loving relationship God longs to share with each of us. Let us answer again today the call of the Timeless within us. Let us live today and always in relationship with the Living God Who has come to us, remains with us, and guides us always in the person of Jesus Christ.