As the Church today recalls the two Apostles, Simon and Jude, we take heart that the apostles were sent to introduce the world to Jesus Christ. As the first apostles were chosen by Christ, so each of us is chosen by Him. As the first apostles were given the power of the Holy Spirit, so are we through Baptism and Confirmation.  As they were sent to proclaim the Good News, so are we.

We look at what God’s grace has accomplished since the time of the first Apostles.  Just about every corner of the world has received the Good News, and has heard the name of Jesus Christ.  But, with every generation comes the renewed need for believers to witness their faith in Jesus Christ to others.

In some ways, out times require of us the same apostolic zeal and courage of the first apostles.  Many people today do not know Jesus Christ, and those who do have lost their love for the truth of the Gospel.

As the first apostles discovered their mission in their relationship with Jesus, so we must be continually renewed in our friendship with Christ.  As the first apostles received strength and wisdom through the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, so we must learn to live in the Spirit in whom we were consecrated.  Then, and only then, can we live in the world in joy and peace, proclaiming Christ by our lives.  The message of the apostles was the message of Jesus, who taught us the Truth;

  • The Truth about God, who is without beginning or end, who is love and mercy, the creator of heaven and earth and all within them
  • The Truth about the human person, who is created in the image and likeness of God and deserving of respect as an adopted child of God
  • The Truth about marriage, a human love rooted in God, the source of human life which is the fruit of the love between a man and a woman, a covenant that is indissoluble
  • The Truth about life, which is lived as a gift for others, first to God and then for one’s neighbor
  • The Truth about the transitory nature of the things of this world, and how we are to be generous stewards of what is entrusted to us in this life, while always building up treasure in heaven
  • The Truth about God’s mercy and fidelity
  • The Truth about the law, which has its foundation in God and God’s law
  • The Truth about sin, which separates from God and one another
  • The Truth about discipleship, which requires self-denial in order to save one’s life; which will entail our sharing in Christ’s rejection, death and resurrection
  • The Truth about judgment which belongs to Christ alone
  • The Truth about eternal life, which is found only in Christ

Saints Simon and Jude, pray for us, that we may be worthy witnesses in the world today to Christ and His Truth.
