My hope to post a few more pictures will not be met. However, I do want to give credit to a few other individuals for their hospitality this week.
Brother Bernie and I received some tremendous generosity not only from Fr. Clark, who coordinated much of the events around this trip, but from several parishioners. Jerry Boydston, Dennis Beaudrie and Chris Maslak spent three days with us, showing us around the countryside, and doing their best to provide us some good hunting and fishing. We truly enjoyed each other’s company over that time span. These guys not only know the “ropes”, but are also “can do” guys who can probably do just about anything. They are not only very capable outdoors-men, but faithful Catholics.
One other individual who deserves an honorable mention is Ed Stratman. Ed provided the string of horses for our day in the wilderness. We gave those horses quite a workout! Ed is another dedicated, gifted man of faith, and fun to spend time with.
So, my brother Bernie and I wish to thank each of these individuals for their hospitality. We also wish to thank their wives, who generously “shared” them with us for an extended period! My guess is these ladies have their hands full!