On this Solemnity of the Holy Body and Blood of Christ, otherwise known as Corpus Christi, the Archdiocese of Seattle begins a Year of the Eucharist.
As we take a year to renew our life as Church that is so fundamentally rooted in the Eucharist, I am asking each member of this local church to an intensified renewal of prayer and study so that we may renew our belief in the true presence of Christ in the Blessed Sacrament as well as grow in our understanding of all that is contained in the most holy Mystery.
To aid us in our study, I wrote a Pastoral Letter on the Eucharist called the Work of Redemption. It is available in the June edition of the Northwest Catholic as well as on this blog under the heading above of Pastoral Letters, or by following the link.
I have many hopes for this Year of the Eucharist. May the Lord bless our efforts and grow our faith. You can learn more about the Year of the Eucharist by listening to the homily at today’s Mass celebrated at St. James Cathedral. The video for the Mass and homily are below.
Corpus Christi 8:30am Mass from Archdiocese of Seattle on Vimeo.