The Gospel for this Tuesday of Holy Week gives us pause to examine how closely we are following Christ.
Judas betrayed Jesus, Peter denied Jesus, the other apostles abandoned Jesus.
Each of us have had our own moments of abandoning or denying Jesus. In such moments we fall away from following Jesus. Lent has called us to penance for such moments, and renewed commitment as followers of Jesus.
How are we doing on that point?
Are we following Jesus more closely? Are we still enmeshed in the ways of the world? What still needs to change?
Perhaps the answer lies in this conversation between Jesus and Peter. As Jesus laid down his life for us, Peter would eventually lay down his life for Jesus. The Christian life is one of self-denial out of love for Jesus Christ and our neighbor. This is the ultimate path to be with Jesus, where he has gone, and where we cannot follow at this moment.
May this Holy Week renew us in the grace to follow Jesus faithfully in this life, that we may follow him into eternal life.