Adoration, Residence Chapel

Last night, a group of thirty or so young adults came to the Bishop’s residence for Adoration and fraternity. For nearly a year now, we have gathered one Thursday evening a month to spend time in prayer and simply enjoying each other’s company.

I want so much for our young church to know of my love and support.  More importantly, I want them to know that Christ is with them.  Christ is speaking to them, longing to draw them into an intimate embrace of love and the guidance of His Holy Spirit.

It was very moving for me in the intimate space of a smaller chapel to gather and pray with these faith-filled young men and women.  Some are married with young children, others are single, all are longing for a closer walk with Christ and His Church.  It is always a blessing for me to be with them and to pray with them.

Young Adult Gathering for Thursday Night Life

As we begin this Year of Faith, may we all take time for regular prayer … prayer with the Lord before the Blessed Sacrament.  May we desire ever more a greater knowledge of the Father’s will, revealed to us through Christ and His Church.  May we strive more diligently to cooperate with God’s plan for our lives, as individuals and as Church.  May we open ourselves to Christ, and take those next steps through the ‘door of faith’ opened to us in this Holy Year.

As Christ took the Church to Himself as His spouse, He longs to take each of us into the Divine communion of love.  As spouses give themselves to eachother in love, so may each of us give our lives to the Lord.  May we as Mary be only and always “Yes” to the Lord and the path and plan that He holds in store for us.

After Adoration, we enjoyed a great chili meal.  Our diocese is truly blessed with the great ministry provided to our young church by Amy Larsen.  Amy spent the afternoon preparing our meal along with a few other volunteers.  Amy serves as the coordinator of these Thursday Night Life events, among many other things!  She is a great witness of joyful service to Christ and His Church.