Advent heightens our awareness of fresh new possibilities still hidden within the Reality and Mystery of God. The grace of Christ awaits to quicken our steps to extend his Kingdom to those trapped in the darkness of their present realities. As the light of the Advent wreath, or the light of breaking dawn, the world awaits the charity of believers.
Let us once again bask in the Light of Christ, who is our Light and Salvation. (Psalm 27) As Christ illumines our darkness and frees us from gloom, he also sends us in his name to be the same light to lovingly lift others who are struggling, that what seemed improbable in the time of Isaiah may be a reality for others today.
Let us allow the Mystery of God to break into our heart and enlighten our eyes. May the eyes of our hearts be enlightened by Christ that we may know what is the hope that belongs to his call, what are the riches of glory in his inheritance among the holy ones. (see Ephesians 1:18)
As we watch the dawn from upon hight break upon us (Luke 1:78) we know once again that God is the First Reality and all life comes from and is dependent upon Him. Life is a constant lesson in learning to live in this Reality of God through Jesus Christ.
As Jesus restored sight to the blind in today’s Gospel (Matthew 9:27-31) he told them it is their faith that restored their sight. Advent is the time for growing in the same faith which will allow the Lord to do great things in and through us.
The many things prophesied by Isaiah which seemed improbable all come to pass in Christ. We hear a few more in today’s First Reading:
On that day the deaf shall hear the words of a book; and out of gloom and darkness, the eyes of the blind shall see. The lowly will ever find joy in the Lord, and the poor rejoice in the Holy One of Israel.
Isaiah 29:-17-24
Let us learn from St. Anselm how to give the Lord the space to work such improbable wonders in us today:
Insignificant man, escape from your everyday business for a short while, hide for a moment from your restless thoughts. Break off from your cares and troubles and be less concerned about your tasks and labors. Make a little time for God and rest a while in him.
Enter into your mind’s inner chamber. Shut our everything by God and whatever helps you to seek him; and when you have shut the door, look for him. Speak now to God and say with your whole heart: I seek your face; your face, Lord, I desire.
Prosologion by St. Andselm (Office of Readings, Friday 1st Week of Advent)
“Stir up your power, we pray, O Lord, and come, that with you to protect us, we may find rescue from the pressing dangers of our sins, and with you to set us free, we may be found worthy of salvation”. (Roman Missal: Opening Prayer, First Friday of Advent)
Mary, Mother of the Eternal Word, Pray for us.