Figuring that the meterologists have totally missed the last two storm forecasts, I figured the third one just might happen. So, after a large and beautiful Confirmation ceremony in Casper last night, I made the decision this mornign to return to Cheyenne and see what happens.

Today’s forecast places much of the state of Wyoming under Winter Storm Warnings.  Lander, which was to be today’s stop for Confirmation is predicting by end of day tomorrow up to a foot of snow, and two feet at South Pass.  Cheyenne could get anywhere from 12 to 18 inches by end of day Tuesday.  I figured the smart and safe decision was to return to Cheyenne to weather the storm, and then see if I can keep any of the other Confirmation dates. 

My apologies to the folks from Lander, Riverton, and St. Stephens for missing tonight.

Here are some photos from Sunday evening in Casper.  I believe we had well over sixty students receive Confirmation…  and the church was packed!  The other reports I’m hearing tell me that attendance for Holy Week services and Easter Sunday were up all over the state.  Many are claiming the Pope Francis factor.