This morning’s Mass is a Catholic Schools Mass, with students from Eastside Catholic High School providing music and serving in other capacities. It is good to have so many of our students join us for Mass this morning! Welcome.
In today’s readings, St. Paul teaches us that it is Jesus Christ who holds the structure of the Church (indeed all things) together. For the Catholic Christian, Jesus is also our Foundation, the culmination of our life as the Capstone, and permeates our entire being! We benefit from regular reminders to live our life in Christ, to invite Christ to live in us in everything we do.
Jesus in the Gospel encourages us to persevere in our journey of faith, keeping our lamps lit at all times in expectation of his return. Christ is our Light and Capstone, so it is important to receive him regularly in the Eucharist.
Jesus uses a Eucharistic image in the Gospel today, when he says that upon his return, he will gird himself, invite us to sit at table, and he will proceed to wait upon us! This is why the Eucharist is the center of the life of the Church. In each Eucharist, Jesus invites us to the table of his Body and Blood. Jesus invites us to receive him that our lamps may be capable of burning brightly.
My friends, let us build our lives upon Jesus Christ. Let us live in him, and invite him to live fully and always within us.