Every year, we gather the diocesan priests and deacons for a few days of prayer and renewal. The national norms for both priests and deacons call for various forms of on-going formation. These days are set aside each year for purposes of offering such formation as well as the opportunity for strengthening fraternity through prayer and quality time together.
This year we are very fortunate to have as our speaker Fr. Timothy Gallagher, OMV. Fr. Gallagher is a well known member of the Oblates of the Virgin Mary. The community is dedicated to promoting the spirituality of St. Ignatius. Thus, the focus of Fr. Gallagher’s presentations this week is to help our clergy better understand the movements of the spirits in our day-to-day life. This will help each of us to grow in holiness through deeper awareness and understanding of what spirit is at work in our life at any given time. Such awareness is necessary if one wishes to more fully cooperate with the Holy Spirit and wisely reject any promptings of the counter spirit (Satan).
Such sensitivity to the working of the spirits also applies to the life of the church. As priests and deacons, we wish to be able to sense where the Holy Spirit is leading each of our parishes and our broader Church. We hope to be better equipped to be more docile and ready to follow God’s desire and direction for God’s People.
Please pray for our clergy in these days, and always!