I hope and pray your Lenten journey is well underway.  I also pray it will be fruitful journey that leads to a closer walk with the Lord, greater clarity in God’s will for you, and renewed grace and charity to live it.

Today’s reading from Deuteronomy invites us as Moses invites the Israelites to choose life over death.  For us, this means choosing Christ, who is the ‘light of God’s face.’  (Psalm 44)  In turning our hearts to God, we seek truth over falsehood, meaning over irrelevance, purpose of life rather than drifting with the cultural tide.

The Lenten journey we make with Christ.  His sufferings during the time of temptation in the desert was not an isolated event.  His passion and sufferings that make up the Paschal Mystery reveal that he endured all of his trials for others.  As Christ accompanies us in our Lenten journey, he is teaching us not to embrace our fasting and penance solely for our own spiritual growth, but in communion with the whole Church, for the good of society as a whole.

In Christ we find The Truth the human heart longs for, and when this Truth is found, we know its genuineness.  Truth falls into place within the human mind and heart like a tumbler in the lock of a safe.  Truth ‘fits’, and no other combination of human philosphies or information can unlock the treasures contained within the human heart.  The Truth of Christ reveals the full identity and potential for self-realization by revealing the beauty of the human person.

May each of our hearts discover such Truth in the journey of Lent that lies ahead.

