This morning’s reading for Mass comes from the Third Letter of St. John, verses 5-8. The final line of encouragement asks us to support each other so that we may be co-workers in truth. This is a good image of how each of our lives are to interact according to the higher plan and greater glory of God.
I do not know if this works for you or not, but for me, it is encouraging to believe that my life and effort are connected to every life. My life and ministry does have some impact on other lives, and on the building up of God’s Kingdom, and so does yours. This helps, especially on days when I do not feel like going to the office, or making the next trip, or even praying. It spurs me on when I grow weary, either in physical or moral strength, to know that I am not alone, but “connected” to other believers who are also striving to do the right thing.
As the days grow shorter, and there is less light, there can be a greater experience of a lethargic spirit for many of us. This is particularly when it is important to turn to Christ, Gentle First Truth (as St. Catherine liked to say), and allow His love and mercy to be the source of strength in my weakness.
As I am now on my way to join my brother bishops from around the country, it will be a good moment to remember again our collegiality and experience the support of being together for prayer and work. Who are those people we work with in the name of our faith? Perhaps it is a spouse, or fellow parishioners. Perhaps it is a group of friends or members of a prayer group. Regardless of who we “think” they are, we are connected to a broad body of believers through our faith in Jesus Christ.
Whether we recognize it or not, everything we do is connected to the overarching plan and will of God. May each of us carry on today, knowing that what we do, big or small, has significance and meaning in the eyes of God, and allows us by His grace to be co-workers in truth!