Larkin Temme, Principal of Holy Family Bilingual Catholic School welcomes guests to the ceremony blessing the newly renovated school.
A successful Catholic School requires among other things a close working relationship between the principal and the pastor. Holy Family Bilingual Catholic School is on the rise in part because of the dynamic duo of Larkin Temme, principal and Fr. Jose Alvarez, pastor!
Yesterday we celebrated the completion of a total renovation of the 90 year old school building.
The morning appropriately began with an all school Mass. We then processed across the street to the school for the blessing of the newly renovated school.
Big projects like this one do not just happen. They are a result of great leadership, vision and the generosity of many. Larkin is quick to tell you about the many people associated with the school, from the children, faculty and staff, parents, volunteers, parishioners and benefactors. In this Archdiocese our Catholic Schools are blessed with great support from the FULCRUM Foundation, who played a role in this renovation project. Additionally, we are very grateful to the Shea Family and Foundation for their tremendous engagement and support as well.
In the Gospel (Luke 13: 22-30) Jesus taught the disciples that the last shall be first and the first shall be last.
Catholic Schools prepare young people for leadership. These young people learn the gospel values which help them achieve their full potential as a beloved child of God. Great leaders, in the model of Christ, serve others and they willingly go last. They recognize the needs of others and put those needs ahead of their own. Servant leaders look out for the last and do not leave them behind, but rather assist them in becoming ‘first’.
Scripture makes use of the process of building and construction to highlight how each of us being incorporated into the Body of Christ. We used one of those passages for the blessing of the school:
So then you are no longer strangers and sojourners, but you are fellow citizens with the holy ones and members of the household of God, built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the capstone. Through him the whole structure is held together and grows into a temple sacred in the Lord; in him you also are being built into a dwelling place of God in the Spirit. (Ephesians 2: 19 – 22)
As we celebrate this milestone, may it serve as a reminder to each of us that we are children of God. Whether we benefited from a Catholic education or not, we are a part of God’s family, and each of us has a place in the ‘dwelling place of God’ which the Spirit is even now building up. Let us live in faith, in peace with one another, an together build the Kingdom of God.
Many thanks to Emmanuel Avila for the photos! Enjoy the slideshow.