Today’s readings speak of the total commitment required of those who wish to know and accomplish God’s will in their lives. From marriage to every other vocation or form of service for the sake of God’s Kingdom, we are asked to love without measure.
Elijah is discourage as the end of his ministry approaches, seeing so much infidelity, how the people of Israel have fallen away from the covenant and torn down the altars. Yet, despite feeling a failure, God reassures him new life lies ahead.
Jesus in the Gospel today speaks about adultery and divorce, and the things that can threaten the love of spouses. He uses strong images of losing members of the body rather than falling into sin. This seems to be a strong teaching about being willing to sacrifice anything and everything for the sake of love, human and divine.
Let us be strong in loving God and fulfilling his will in our lives.
Please find video of today’s Mass and homily below.