On this feast of St. Ignatius, we recall a man who built his life and established a religious community out of his relationship with Jesus Christ. We are challenged by the example of this holy man to experience the same, complete conversion of life to Jesus Christ.

In today’s Gospel (Matthew 13:54-58) Jesus returns to his home town, and is unable to work many miracles because of their lack of faith.

Dear friends, each of us is aware how COVID-19 has rocked our foundations. The same is very likely true about our spiritual lives. I invite each of us today to renew our faith and confidence in the presence, faithfulness and power of Jesus Christ. He is creator and redeemer of all. He suffered and died and rose from the dead. Indeed, every need, doubt, anxiety that we have is subject to the love and mercy of Jesus Christ.

Lord, through the intercession of St. Ignatius, give us insight today of our need for you. Give us complete confidence and faith in you. Help us surrender all to you and experience the presence and power of Jesus Christ. Grant us the grace of conversion and the charity and courage to put our entire life at your service.


Daily Mass July 31 from Archdiocese of Seattle on Vimeo.