Once again, we are learning today how important it is to remain in the company of Jesus as his disciples.
This bizarre Year of COVID is laying bare the many underlying ‘diseases’ diminishing the health of the human family. But we do not lose heart, rather as a people of faith we look with hope to our future, while at the same time earnestly desiring to apply our faith and actions to help repair the foundations of our human family.
In today’s Gospel, Jesus helps us understand how he came to heal the human family by renewing our own membership in the family of God. When Jesus was told that his own mother and family were unable to reach him because of the crowd, he told his followers that whoever keeps the Word of God is mother, brother and sister to him. (see Luke 8)
With so many groups claiming ‘priority’ today, and so many ideologies professing conflicting messages, we must find a way to live as one human family. We must discover again the virtue of civility and respect. Jesus as the Divine Physician prescribes the Word of God as the source of our healing, and keeping this Word as the path to renewing our relationship to Jesus, and through him to one another.
Please take time to listen to the Word of God proclaimed in today’s Mass, and the homily which can be viewed below.