Today’s Solemnity of Assumption reminds us we are on a pilgrimage of faith that leads to something beyond this earth; beyond this life. The opening prayer for today’s Mass concludes “May we see heaven as our final goal…” We need this reminder.
Mary’s Assumption into heaven reinforces all of what we believe about our Blessed Mother. Mary was conceived without sin. Mary remained free from sin throughout life and thus her body was assumed into heaven at the moment of death rather than undergo the corruption of the grave. Her sinlessness was a gift of the Father. Her sinlessness was the work of her Son, our savior, Jesus Christ. Mary’s Assumption into heaven allows her to gaze upon her Son and the Communion of Love that is our God.
It is from this vantage point in heaven that Mary continually intercedes as the Mother of the Church. Just as Jesus could not do anything on His own, but only what He saw the Father doing, (John 5:19), so now Mary intercedes for the Church in the same fashion, from the same perspective. Her intercession and desire for us is nothing short of the Father’s desire for us.Mary from the begining of time held special favor with the Father. Mary in this life held a dear and special place in the life of her Son. This is still quite true in the eternity of heaven, which benefits us here and now, in this place and time of our life and the life of the Church.
Mary’s assumption into heaven is to remind us of the direction of our life. All that we do should be accomplished with the hope of moving ever closer to heaven. Mary’s gaze upon her Son is an invitation and instruction to us to fix our eyes upon Christ. (Hebrews 12:2) Mary’s assumption is a reminder to us of the importance to avoid sin in this life, and to seek the things of heaven, where Christ is seated at God’s right hand. As we honor Mary this day, we once again place our hope and trust in God, whose love is eternal and infinite.
Mary, Queen of Heaven, Pray for us.