Happy Easter! I pray the Risen Jesus fill each of your hearts with peace, light and newness of life.
Whether we notice or not, the Risen Jesus accompanies each of us every step of our life. In this year that has known so much darkness, the light of the Risen Jesus is always beneath the surface waiting to burst forth.
Every encounter we have with Jesus is with the Risen Christ.
This Easter it seems the desire of God for us is that the face of the Risen Christ shine forth from his Church – in each of her members. Now is the time to “clear out the old yeast of malice and wickedness”. Let us put behind us all bitterness and complaint and, as the Risen Jesus, be willing to forgive others of their faults and shortcomings, and live this new life that is ours in the Risen Christ!
As members of the Church, we not only encounter the Risen Christ in the Church, but as members of his Body, we are to manifest his presence to the world.
When we live our faith in the Risen Christ, we bring him to others, and bring others to him that they may have resurrection moments in their lives.
Christ is Risen! Let us live each day in his Light, and be his Light in the world!