As we approach this Lenten season, we are reminded once again to seek the LORD in all things. It is a time to put Jesus squarely at the center of life – above every other thing.
Since the Beatitudes represent a summary of Jesus’ person and teaching, perhaps a Lenten Fast based upon the Beatitudes would be helpful. In this powerful homily of Jesus, we hear about the ways of life that lead to ‘blessings’. Lent is a time to humbly reflect at a deep and profound level where we are in need of conversion of life.
This Lent, instead of the usual Fast from ‘things’, let us take a deeper look at behaviors that fall short of the Gospel values. May our Lenten Fast be one that clears a path to a more profound relationship with Jesus and with all our neighbors. May this Lent be less of a ‘self-improvement’ plan, and more of a self-opening to Christ and the power of his grace and Kingdom.
I hope this reflection, a LENTEN FAST based upon the Beatitudes will lead all of us to wrestle with God’s WORD, to apply it more fully in day-to-day life. In the process, may we grow closer to the LORD, dying to self and allowing Christ to live more fully within and through us, so as to experience a joyful Easter.
Rejoice and be glad for your reward will be great in Heaven!