For some time now, I’ve been wanting to find a way to gather with our young adults.  I’ve been looking for a forum to show my own interest and concern for our young church, as well as to express in a concrete way my love for all our young adults.  After some discussions with our associate in the Pastoral Ministry Office, Amy Larson, and the help of a couple of our young priests, we think we have come up with something that will be attractive.  So, when you hear about Thursday Night LIFE, you will know it is a new program for young men and women in the 20’s & 30’s.

We will gather one Thursday evening each month for prayer and time to socialize.  The Thursday night time slot came to mind for me because it is the night that Jesus gathered with his Apostles for the Last Supper.  Thursday is the night Jesus gave us the great gift of the Eucharist.  What better evening of the week to gather, spend time with the Lord in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament, and ask God to continue to help us better understand and embrace His will for us?

For now, our gatherings will be in Cheyenne, but we hope young adults will be willing to come from other places to join us for these evenings of prayer and visiting with other young adults.  Please check out the information below, and share it with your friends.  Looking forward to seeing you at one of our Thursday Night LIFE gatherings!
