I am happy to share a new Pastoral Letter on the Eucharist that has been in the making for many months. My hope is that all of the people of the Archdiocese of Seattle will take ample time this coming Year of the Eucharist to renew our belief in and worship of the Eucharist. My prayer is that a deeper understanding of this work of God, this Work of Redemption may lead all of us to a more Eucharistic life in every aspect of our day-to-day life.
Admittedly, with all we are dealing with societally, some may think there are more important things needing attention today. However, since the prayer, research and writing of this Letter were well underway even before the Coronavirus surfaced, I am trusting that God’s Providence is more at work here than my own initiative.
I’m also happy to draw your attention today to a ‘new page’ on this blog, where this and other Pastoral Letters may easily be accessed and referenced. You will find a new tab across the top of this blog webpage.
As always, perhaps even more, I pray for all of you, that we my hear, see, and learn who it is God is calling us to be as Church today. Let us be content to ‘return to normal’ but discern and act in a way that redefines a new norm for our faith, life, and especially our life as Church.
In Christ,